The easing of mandatory measures which will see an increase in running events with the subsequent benefits that brings in physical and mental health, it should be borne in mind that a significant percentage of the adult population have not been double vaccinated and that those under the age of 18 years have not been vaccinated at all.

Participant, officials and spectators will be in this group and can catch and spread the virus.

Please ensure that you read and observe this code of conduct to ensure a safe and enjoyable event for everyone.

  • Attend a pre-event briefing (in person or virtually).

  • Receive written instructions on your roles.

  • Do your homework – make sure you are aware of and understand the pre-race briefing information offered by your event.

  • Follow the instructions given in your pre-event briefing, including any instructions on scanning the QR venue code on arrival, social distancing, hygiene and personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • You must undertake a self-assessment for COVID-19 symptoms. Do not travel to the event if you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. No-one should leave home to participate in sport if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID-19 currently recognised as any of the following.

    • A high temperature

    • A new, continuous cough

    • A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste

  • Should you report or demonstrate any such symptoms, you must follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation.

  • Do not attend if you have been asked to self-isolate (through the NHS COVID app or by NHS track & trace)

  • Be prepared to bring your own water and food and carry it with you during the race and please dispose of rubbish responsibly.

  • Bring your own hand sanitizer.

  • Please wear any PPE provided.

  • If you touch a participant re-sanitize or wash your hands.

  • When collecting and returning Instructions, Hi Vis, Radios etc. please keep to social distancing if in a queue.

  • If you experience COVID-19 symptoms soon after the event, you must report this using the NHS COVID-19 App –